How to Create a New Patient

This setting allows to Create a New Patient easily. After a new Patient is created, it can be found by filling in Patient Selection.

Once the user has selected a Provider, the Patient section will be displayed. In this section, you can create a new Patient and Add Insurance or choose an existing plan.

Here it is a Step by Step:

  1. While logged in and with a Provider selected, click on “New Patient” button.

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  1. When the “New Patient” modal is opened, fill in the Patient’s information required.

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If the entered Patient already exists in our system with an insurance, a new modal will be displayed with the following message:

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  1. Click “OK” and then the insurance will be displayed and automatically added to the Insurance Information section.

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If for any reason the insurance has not been added, the user can add it manually. To follow the steps, please click on How to Add an Insurance

  1. To complete the process click on “Save Patient” button.