Service Desk Widget

EZSCRIPTRx added this widget to improve the user experience with the application. If there is any doubt about how to use any feature of the system, with this widget the user can search for information about it. We are constantly adding more articles to help you make the best of our platform. Additionally, you can submit a Support Ticket from the same place.

How To Search For How-To Articles:

On every page of the application, you will find a Question Mark icon in the right bottom corner.


Expand image


When clicked, you can search for information on the feature you need help with.


Expand image



Expand image

You can make an image larger by clicking on the words “Expand Image” below the image you want to expand.

Expand image


How to Submit a Support Ticket:

If, after searching for related How-To Articles, you cannot find an answer to your question, click on the back arrow at the top left side of the widget, then click on Contact Us About…for Technical Support:






You will then see the Ticket Submission form. Please fill in the summary, description, attach a screenshot if possible, and your email address for follow-up contact. Example:



After you submit the ticket, you will receive an email confirmation like this, including the ticket number: